
Black qiraji battle tank black market auction house
Black qiraji battle tank black market auction house

The reward for Step #3 is a one-use badge that lets me make someone else an Agent of Nozdormu. The elites drop 1-3 fragments, or up to 4 in Hive'Regal. (I did this - it took maybe 20-30 minutes of grinding with 8 people in Hive'Ashi. He sends me to Hive'Ashi, Hive'Zora, and Hive'Regal to kill silithids and return with 200 carapace fragments (quest drops, tradeable). But in order to earn the trust of the Bronze Dragonflight, we must work tirelessly to purge their ancient enemies from Silithus. The Cenarion NPC is impressed that we killed Broodlord.

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(We did this on 1/3/06 - I looted the head.) Bring an army, but because only one may rise, only one can loot the head. He asks you to prove yourself by killing Broodlord Lashlayer. Maybe ancient bonds can be reforged and they can again work together against their common enemy. The Cenarion NPC is excited to hear of the return of the Bronze Dragonflight.

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NPC in Cenarion Hold says "Hey guys I hear there's a dragon who despawns at 20% and says something about it not being his time in Tanaris." You go see Anachronos at the Caverns of Time - return to CH, tell the NPC.

Black qiraji battle tank black market auction house